Monday, July 16, 2012

Fun with the cousins

 We've been keeping busy this summer and having so much fun.  We have gotten together with our Cousins at least once a week and always try to do something fun.  We been to the park and the movies.

We took a hike up to Lisa falls one day.  This is just a few miles up Little Cottonwood Canyon and a very short easy hike.  The pictures don't do it justice, but the falls are very pretty. Bri was riding her horse this day and didn't come with us.

My cutie Miss Carly.

We also took the kids out to the Sweets Candy factory for a tour.  It was so fun to see how the candy is made, and best of all they give you samples.  Here we are with our hair nets on.
This week we are tie dying, it will be interesting.

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