Yesterday I threw myself a whooper of a pity party. Last week was a roller coaster to say the least and I struggled to stay upbeat all week. I think it all caught up to me yesterday and so when my washing machine broke down, while holding my clothes hostage, I broke down in tears. Then it rained, and ruined the dinner I had planned to grill, more tears. Thank heaven for Taco Time, and an understanding husband. Anyway once the kids were finally in bed Jon and I sat down to watch our shows, I turned on the lap top and started a marathon session of free cell, it made me feel much better.
A friend of mine once asked me what I do to relax. I like to play free cell, sudoku, sew or quilt, I also like to read. Reading saved my sanity during a particularly rough time in my life, but lately I'm in a slump, when it comes to good reading material. I basically need to do things that force my mind to focus on something else besides the problem that is plaguing me. My friend laughed because most of the things that calm me down stress her out. So what do you do to relax?
BTW, my washer is still holding the clothes hostage which is giving me huge
anxiety, and the repair man can't get here till tomorrow.