My friend did this on her Blog and it looked fun.
20 Years ago...
1. I was starting the 5
th grade and in Mr.
Lundberg's class. We all thought he was
pervy so I was not excited.
2. I was at my peak of awkward adolescence and wore huge thick glasses and had bad hair.
3. I was also the only girl in my class who actually needed a bra and was mortified when Scott Wheeler flipped it one day.
15 Years ago....
(not a year my friend's blog asked about, but too important a year to not mention)
1. I was just starting my sophomore year in high school. I had just met a very cute boy, whom I had a huge crush on. A few months later I kissed him and we have been together ever since.
2. I got my driver's license . My first car was a huge burgundy Buick station wagon.
3. I had 2
nd period Girls Chorus with 4 girls who became great friends. We had way too much fun in that class.
10 Years ago.....
1. Jon and I had been married for almost 2 years. and were planning a trip to Disneyland with our best friends.
2. We lived in a little apartment on Vine st. right next store to my best friend and her husband.
3. I was working at Joann Fabrics and really loving it.
5 Years ago.....
1. We were in the house we are in now. Our furnace had gone out and we didn't know how we were going to afford a new one.
2. I had my wisdom teeth out. The surgeon botched it and I still have no feeling on the right side of my
3. I got pregnant with my second baby. I miscarried several months later.
3 Years ago......
1. Carly was still a newborn and Brianna had just started Preschool.
2. We had just bought our Van. It was the first bran new car I had ever had.
3. My
Bompy fell and broke his arm. I would drive uptown at least twice a week to check on him and make him lunch. A very stressful time but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
1 year ago.....
1. Brianna had started kindergarten and I was wondering how to entertain a 2 year-old for several hours a day.
2. I started doing more sewing for other people, and realized how much I love to create my own 'fashion.'
3. Jon and I celebrated 11 years of marriage and left both girls with Grandma for the first time overnight.
1. We went to church. Brianna gave a talk. She talked about our
Bompy and did a great job.
2. We worked on getting the living room ready to paint and installed new lights.
3. We went on a walk, then came home and made cookies.
1. Jon took the day of so we could finish painting the living room.
2. Carly has dance class in the morning. She is too cute in her little tap shoes.
3. We will go visit Grandma Fay.
Next Year.
1. We will work on our yard which has suffered greatly this summer.
2. We hope to vacation at a beach house with my brother and sister and their families.
3. We will have been married 13 years. Crazy.