Tuesday, December 8, 2009

One day at a time

For about the past month I find myself thinking, "if I can just get through this boutique things will calm down." Then days later thinking again, "if I can just get through donut date (I'm in charge of donut dates at our school which is an activity for the whole school that we do about 8 times a year and about 300 people attend, I ran out of food my first time in charge so I'm pretty stressed out every time I have to do it) life will calm down." Then a few days later I again think, " if I can get this house decorated and this family dinner over with, life will calm down." A few days later I think again, " Just one more boutique this year and things will calm down" I'm currently hoping things will calm down after I finish up the church activity tonight, Only to realize that we have a day of rehearsals for a dance recital , followed by a company party. Then a few days later the actual dance recital, about 10 special orders to be completed before Christmas, family Christmas parties, wrapping, more sewing, and, and, and. So will life ever calm down? Probably not till Dec 26, which is fine. I like to be busy, I wish that the busy could be a little more spread out sometimes. But, I'm starting to get in the Spirit of the season. Decorations, wrapping and continuous Christmas music have helped. My little bossiness is actually doing rather well, which is keeping me busy, but I'm glad that people are liking my stuff and actually want to buy it. I've done several in home Boutiques (if your having one and want me to come I'd live to ;) just tell me the time and place) and they have gone really well. I'm so excited to see my little dancer and watch them with Santa and get together with my family. I'm sure I'm not the only Mom who is just trying to get through the day. I hope you all are enjoying the season and aren't too busy.

1 comment:

JM said...

I think you need an hour to yourself. May I recommed a hot bath and a good book?